Our Philosophy
The Alexander First Nation Social Development seeks to ensure that Community Members strive toward independence and self-reliance. Nevertheless, the ASD understands that some families, for a variety of reasons and often no fault of their own, are unable to provide for themselves and their dependents.
Therefore there will be situations where assistance will need to be issued to ensure that the basic living standards of the members are met.
- This program provides Income Support to eligible community members,
- Program has an increased focus on enabling access to skill development, training and employment opportunities,
- Rates of assistance are according to category, family size and family composition
- Intake procedure includes potential applicants completing Employment Readiness Assessment form/ Case Plan,
- The program is also designed to meet specific and unique needs of each of its clients,
- The program is designed towards assisting its clients in becoming self-sufficient
Our Objectives
The Broad objectives of the AANDC Alberta Region Income Support Program are:
- To assist persons living on-reserve in maintaining a basic standard of living;
- To prevent dependency on Income Support by developing individual and family strengths;
- Where available to provide referrals to rehabilitative services that will enhance the client’s ability to assume primary responsibility for their own affairs; and,
- To provide and strengthen family unity and responsibility.
When Applying for Income Support, you will need:
- Identification for all members of the family
- Bank statements
- Notice of assessments (Revenue Canada)
- Current utility bills
- Family Support/ Maintenance Enforcement documents
- Or any other relevant documents upon request